Flathead Watershed News

Funds secured for Bad Rock Canyon Conservation Project
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Funds secured for Bad Rock Canyon Conservation Project

Funding for the purchase of the Bad Rock Canyon property is now secure, thanks to the generosity of our community and a Montana Fish and Wildlife Conservation Trust grant. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is hoping to close the purchase in December.

Thank you for your strong support throughout this conservation effort.

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Somers State Park Project
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Somers State Park Project

Join us in supporting the proposed Somers Beach State Park, a half mile of sandy beaches, shallow waters, and stunning views. The Flathead Lakers have joined efforts with conservation partners to raise funds for much needed park amenities and long-term operations and maintenance of the new park.

Learn more here, and help us close the gap to create this new park!

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Lakers 2021 Annual Meeting
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Lakers 2021 Annual Meeting

We all love Montana, and we know that that love includes respect for her weather. We greatly appreciate our members' flexibility and understanding of the last minute postponement of our annual meeting.

Thursday, August 19, was a beautiful evening along Flathead Lake to celebrate with our community. We are thankful to our presenters, speakers, volunteers, and staff for adjusting and working hard to make it such a success!

If you were unable to attend, you can catch it anytime on Facebook, HERE!

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2021 Membership survey still open.
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2021 Membership survey still open.

If you are a Lakers member, please help the Lakers improve how we communicate with our members by taking a few minutes to complete this survey. We value your time and opinion.

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Watercraft Inspector Appreciation Week
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Watercraft Inspector Appreciation Week

Join the Lakers in celebrating the men and women who defend our lakes and rivers from aquatic invasive species all season long. It has been hot and busy, and we greatly appreciate their dedication and hard work.

Stop in to your local watercraft inspection station to say hello and thank our watercraft inspectors for protecting Montana's waters.

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We are hiring!
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We are hiring!

The Flathead Lakers are looking for an enthusiastic relationship builder and development professional to play an integral role in helping realize our mission and vision: ensuring that the Flathead Watershed has clean water, healthy ecosystems, and lasting quality of life.

Join our team, or spread the word!

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How does Flathead Lake compare?
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How does Flathead Lake compare?

Flathead Lake Citizen Science - Secchi observations

For the past three years, our citizen science volunteers have been monitoring water clarity around the lake using their Secchi Disks. Here’s how Flathead Lake compares.

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2021 Flathead Lakers Membership Survey
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2021 Flathead Lakers Membership Survey

If you are a Lakers member, please help the Lakers improve how we communicate with our members by taking a few minutes to complete this survey. We value your time and opinion.

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Wrapping up the Montana Legislative Session
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Wrapping up the Montana Legislative Session

The 2021 legislative session has finally come to a close. This year was one of the toughest sessions that Montanans who value our natural environment have seen in a long time, and we can’t thank our members enough for joining us on this journey. We look forward to continuing the fight to keep our members informed, and hold our legislators accountable to protect water quality in the Flathead Watershed. 

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DIY Flathead Lake Mussel Walk Challenge
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DIY Flathead Lake Mussel Walk Challenge

Inspect your favorite stretch of Flathead Lake shoreline this spring, look for invasive mussels, and help keep a watchful eye on Flathead Lake and Watershed.

ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL BE ENTERED INTO A RAFFLE FOR PRIZES! Submit results to be entered. Thank you to the generosity of CSKT Natural Resources Department.

Contact Hilary Devlin at hilary@flatheadlakers.org or 406-883-1341 for more information.

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