Flathead River Conservation Project Completed

Thanks to the generous support from so many of our members last year, we raised the funding needed to protect 155 acres along the Flathead River, owned by Bob Danford. The property includes key wetlands and riparian habitat important for sustaining clean water, a plethora of wildlife, and our valley’s rich farm soils.

The Flathead Land Trust worked with the Danford family to place a the conservation easement on the property. The project adds to a network of almost 12,000 acres of conserved lands along the Flathead River.

Read more about our collaborative Flathead River to Lake Initiative work upstream of Flathead Lake to conserve and restore our Flathead River and Lake natural heritage in our latest R2L News, our collaborative R2L website, or follow us on Facebook.


Flathead Lakers welcome Eric Witts, SKC intern


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